LOVELY RITA - A Short Film by Elena Madrid
Rita holding up a signal indicator

The Story

Watch the trailer!  Press Kit

WINNER L'HIFF Barcelona WINNER Indigo Moon Film Fest 2022 CINANIMA 2023 Official Selection ANIMATEKA 2022 Official Selection 63 ZLÍN Film Festival 2023 Official Selection


The strict traffic policewoman Rita loves control and order in her workplace. That’s why she has drawn up a rigid, rectangular road network, through which she directs the drivers with precise instructions. But as more and more cars find their way into her narrow network and it soon threatens to burst, Rita loses control in the traffic.Will Rita get the traffic back under control?

A short story about stress, traffic jams and how to make the best of it.

Download the interview with director Elena Madrid

Directors Statement

LOVELY RITA is a four-minute animated film and tells the story of a stubborn woman who first has to get into a hopeless situation to get rid of her rigid behaviour. When all the ropes break, Rita starts to question her previous working style and faces a fundamental decision. Thereupon she takes this difficult situation as an opportunity and from then on encounters her environment in a relaxed, easy-going and light-hearted way. This change of heart suits her very well; it makes her LOVELY.

Her need for control and orderliness is reflected in her majestic poses and in the precise right-angled movements as she guides the cars through the road network. The geometric strict red network embodies Rita’s rigid mindset.

Target Group / Genre

A short animated film comedy for adults and children aged 8 and over.